Bachelor’s degree Fashion Business & Innovation (Honours)
Are you envisioning a fulfilling career at the forefront of the global fashion and luxury industry? Look no further than the, accredited, by Coventry University Bachelor with Honours in Fashion Business and Innovation programme. This cutting-edge 3-year program is meticulously crafted to impart the latest knowledge and practical skills demanded by esteemed fashion and luxury brands worldwide. With a strong emphasis on both theoretical understanding and hands-on project management, students are equipped to tackle the dynamic challenges of the industry. Our curriculum is enriched by industry experts through special masterclasses, real-world case studies, and industry projects in collaboration with renowned brands and innovative digital agencies. As students progress, they engage interactively with fashion professionals, industry leaders, and experienced lecturers, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the fashion and luxury ecosystem. our program connects students with both global and local creative industries, aligning with Amsterdam’s reputation as a hub of creativity and entrepreneurship.
Accreditation:Coventry University
Duration: 3-year full-time programme
Language: English only
Dates: September 2025 to June 2026
ECTS credits: 180
Tuition fee: € 17.000 per year
Application fee: € 500
Materials & Software: € 1.000 per year
Admission: applications for the academic year 2025/2026 are open.
Maximum number of students: 30 students divided in two groups.
Early Bird offers:
*The regular BA (Hons) fee of €17.000 is for applications after February 21st, 2025
We would like to inform you that, in addition to the €17,000 tuition fee, there will be an additional cost of €1,000 to cover material expenses.
A Fashion Business Programme With a Focus on Innovation, Brand Development and Entrepreneurship.
The Bachelor’s degree with Honours in Fashion Business & Innovation is an academic degree course with 120 UK credits (equal to 60 ECTS) per year aligned to the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). This is a university level bachelor’s degree course enabling you to either move on to a master’s degree or work at graduate level in the fashion industry. In addition, the course will enable students to explore the complexity of the numerous job opportunities, and the skills required for different roles within the industry. Being placed within the capital of the Netherlands the programme is able to link closely with both global and SME creative industries and practitioners that resonate Amsterdams reputation as a creative and entrepreneurial city.
This state-of-the-art 3-year programme provides the fashion business & innovation knowledge and the skills that are the most requested by global fashion and luxury companies. It is aimed at preparing students on trending topics of the industry both on the theory and its practical application on the management of projects. It is enriched by special masterclasses from key opinion leaders and professionals of the industry, case histories and industry projects related to briefs from brands and innovative digital agencies.
Students are trained, in a very interactive way, to enter the fashion and luxury industry with full awareness and well-rounded preparation to become accomplished and respected managers and entrepreneurs of the fashion and luxury system as they are educated by fashion professionals, industry leaders as well as experienced lecturers.
Year 1 is about introducing you to areas of fashion business such as product development, marketing theory, job roles, branding strategies and familiarising you with the digital tools used in the fashion industry.
In year 1 students begin working on a Personal Development Plan (PDP), which they continue to work on throughout the curriculum.
- Buying & Merchandising
- Omni-Channel
- Visual Merchandising
- Soft Skills
Marketing & Branding
- Neuro Marketing
- Fashion Brand Strategy
- Digital Tools
- Trend Forecasting
- Digital Communication
Business Studies & Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability
- Intro Fashion Industry / Personal Development / Coaching
- SME Proposal
Contextual Studies & Theories
- Cultural Studies
- Fashion Theory
- Research Methodology
- Theoretical Analysis
- Written Expression of Ideas
Year 2 is about building on the knowledge you learnt in the first year. You will delve deeper into all aspects of branding, marketing, digital tools, finance and website creation. Year 2 culminates in your 3-5 months internship with an existing brand.
Fashion Management
- Product Management
- Fashion Start-Up
- Fashion Business Models
- E-Models
- Business & Finance
- HR & Organisation
Advanced Marketing
- Contents Creation
- Social Media
- Performance Marketing
- New Technologies
- Advanced Digital Tools
Business Studies & Entrepreneurship
- Go-To-Market Project
- Business Plan
- Internship Preparation
- Action Plan & Report
Contextual Studies & Theories
- Cultural Histories
- Fashion Theory
- Research Methodology
- Theoretical Analysis
- Written Expression of Ideas
Year 3 is about you deciding on your direction of study with lecturers acting more as support or coaches. You will be putting what you have learnt in previous years into practise and will be encouraged to make independent decisions with regard to problem-solving. You will complete the year with an original business plan and a branding guide alongside an exhibition to showcase your fashion business knowledge.
Fashion Innovation & Management
- Design Thinking
- Fashion Entrepreneurs
- Amsterdam Fashion Academy Event
Final Major Project
- Career Orientation
- Final Fashion Business Project
Professional Practice
- Live Industry Brief and feedback from Industry Clients
- Industry Projects
Applied Research
- Critical Thinking
- Research Methodology
- Contextual Essay
- Project Proposal
- Critical Reflexion
Year 1 tuition fee:
The Year 1 early bird tuition fee of € 16.000 is available for students who apply on or before the 9th of February, 2024 and enrol by the 26th of April 2024.
The tuition fee for students who apply after the 15th of May, 2024 is € 17.000.
Year 2 and 3 tuition fees:
The tuition fee for students who progress to the following year with no resits is € 16.000.
The tuition fee for students who progress to the following year with one or more resits is € 17.000.
Application fee: €350
The application fee is due at the moment of application and is non-refundable unless the Amsterdam Fashion Academy won’t accept you in the programme. This is a one-time fee, so you only need to pay during in the process of admission.
Tuition fee:
Students who apply before the 9th of February, 2024 will be invited to an Interview Day or Admission Interview. If the student is accepted, a deposit (20% of the early bird tuition fee) is required before the 29th of March, 2024. The remaining amount must be paid before the 15th of July 2024, or according to the payment plan agreed previously.
Students who apply after the 9th of February, 2024 won’t be able to attend an Interview Day, but will have a personal admission interview on an agreed date. If the student is accepted, we will request the payment of a deposit (20% of the tuition fee) 3 weeks after the acceptance date. The remaining amount must be paid before the 15th of July, 2024 or according to the payment plan agreed previously.
Payment Plans
Option 1 (no surcharge)
- 20% payment before 29th of March, 2024 (early bird tuition fee), or 3 weeks after acceptance (regular tuition fee).
- 80% payment before July 15th, 2024
Option 2 (+3% surcharge)
- 20% payment before 29th of March, 2024 (early bird tuition fee), or 3 weeks after acceptance (regular tuition fee).
- 40% payment before July 15th, 2024
- 40% payment before January 15th, 2025
Option 3 (+5% surcharge)
- 20% payment before 29th of March, 2024 (early bird tuition fee), or 3 weeks after acceptance (regular tuition fee).
- 20% payment before July 15th, 2024
- 20% payment before October 15th, 2024
- 20% payment before January 15th, 2025
- 20% payment before April 15th, 2025
Students with a Dutch passport and who have resided in the Netherlands for at least three of the preceding six years prior to the date of enrolment are eligible for student finance (studiefinanciering) from DUO.
The Amsterdam Fashion Academy is a non-governmental and non-subsidized institute.
Fees are equal for Europen and non-European students.
Please be informed that we are not legally able to sponsor non-EEA students for a study visa. Applicants must have an EEA passport (27 EU member states; Iceland; Liechtenstein; Norway; Switzerland) or Dutch resident permit to study in the BA (Hons) Fashion Business.
Students must have one of the following high school diplomas:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma minimum 28 points;
- Foundation Diploma in Art & Design (Level 3);
- European Baccalaureate;
- Austria: Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis or Reifezeugnis/Reifeprüfungszeugnis;
- Belgium: Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, enseignement artistique/technique or general; or KSO, TSO, ASO;
- Bulgaria: Diplomaza Sredno Obrazonvaine (Diploma of Secondary Education);
- Croatia: Svjedodžba o (državnoj) maturi or Svjedodžba o zavrsnom ispitu;
- Czech Republic: Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium;
- Denmark: Højere Handelseksamen (HHX)/Højere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX) or Studentereksamenbevis (STX)/Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF);
- Estonia: Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus;
- Finland: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamenbevis/ Matriculation Examination Certificate;
- France: Baccalauréat Technologique or Général;
- Germany: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abiturzeugnis) or Fachhochschulreife;
- Greece: Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou;
- Hungary: Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány or Szakközépiskolai Érettségi-Képesítö Bizonyítvány;
- Ireland: Leaving Certificate with at least 5 subjects of the established programme, including 5 subjects with at least O6 or H7, and at least 200 CAO points; or Leaving Certificate with at least 6 subjects of the established programme, including at least 2 subjects with H5 or higher, 4 subjects with at least O6 or H7, and at least 350 CAO points.
- Italy: Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondario Superiore (liceo classico / scientifco / linguistico / scienze umane);
- Lithuania: Brandos Atestatas;
- Luxembourg: Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires classiques or générales; or Diplôme de technicien (DT);
- Netherlands: MBO 4, HAVO 5, VWO 6;
- Norway: Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering;
- Poland: Świadectwo dojrzałości (maturiteitscertificaat);
- Portugal: Diploma/Certificado/Cer tidão do Ensino Secundário;
- Romania: Diplomă de Bacalaureat;
- Slovakia: Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške obtained at a Gymnázium or a Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuske with a minimum overall score of 2.4;
- Spain: Título de Bachiller;
- Sweden: Högskoleförberedande Examen;
- Switzerland: Berufsmaturität/ Fachmaturität/ Specialised Maturity Certificate; or Maturity Certificate/ Maturitätszeugnis/ Maturitätsausweis/ Certificat de Maturité;
- UK: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma; or Access to HE Diploma; or 4 GCSEs (with grade A* to C or 9 to 4) plus 2 subjects at AS level (with grade A* to C); or 4 GCSEs (with grade A* to C or 9 to 4) plus 2 subjects at A level (with grade D/E); or 3 GCSEs (with grade A* to C or 9 to 4) plus 3 subjects at A level (with grade A* to C).
- USA: US High School Diploma with GPA 2.8 or better, plus SAT scores (if taken in 2016 or later) of 1050 or better; or US High School Diploma with GPA 2.8 or better, plus SAT scores (if taken before 2016) of 1600 or better; or US High School Diploma with GPA 2.8 or better, plus two or three Advanced Placement tests with scores of 3 or better; or US High School Diploma with GPA 2.8 or better, plus ACT scores of 24 or better; or a transcript showing successful completion of one year of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised American university with GPA 2.0
- For other countries, please contact us.
- It is not required to apply to the BA (Hons) Fashion Business. However, if you have one, you are more than welcome to upload it on the application form.
- Students applying to the BA (Hons) Fashion Business will be asked to complete an assignment.
Step 1: Fill out the Request for Information form or sign up to an Open Day; (this is not mandatory)
Step 2: We will send you more details by email and we will schedule a call or meeting with you; (this is not mandatory)
Step 3 : Submit the application form; letter of motivations, secondary school diploma or transcript of grades or proof of enrolment. A portfolio is not requested, however if you have one, you are more than welcome to upload it.
Step 4: We will invite you to attend an Interview Day or an interview on campus or online on another date. We will also send you an assignment to complete before the interview.
After evaluating your application, we will inform you if you are selected to attend one of the Interview Days.
During the Interview Day for Bachelor (Hons) Fashion Business, you will have the opportunity to present your portfolio, if applicable, and the assignment the to the programme leader and one of the lecturers.
For the Interview Day for the Bachelor (Hons) Fashion Design, you will present your portfolio, and the assignment to the programme leader and one of the lecturers.
*The interview will take approx. 1 hour.
Depending on that date of the submission of your application, we will invite you to the first available Interview Day.
We will communicate you the result of your Interview Day within two weeks after the interview.
Upon completing the Amsterdam Fashion Academy Bachelor (Hons) in Fashion Business & Innovation programme, you’ll find a wide range of career opportunities awaiting you in both the fashion and business sectors. Our program is strategically designed to provide you with a solid foundation in fashion knowledge and business expertise, making you well-prepared for roles such as:
- Retail Manager
- E-commerce Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Performance Marketing Manager
- PR manager
- Social Media Manager
- Buyer
- Merchandiser
- Art Director
- Fashion start-up founder
- Brand Manager
- Event Manager
- Contents creator